Please click the link below for TEAM registration only. Player registration will be sent to the main contact once team fee has been paid.
505 County Line Rd, Rockwall, Tx 75032
$950 per team
Teddy Nowell
Sign Your Team Up Now!
Coach Pitch Rules
1.) Games will consist of 6 innings or 60 minutes, whichever comes first. If time expires finish the inning.
2.) You may freely substitute on defense but the batting order should not change
3.) Coach Pitcher must follow (rule 8.04-8.06.04.A) in regards to positioning while pitching. If a ball is hit the pitching coach must exit the field as quickly as possible.
4.) Games will be played with regular baseballs; we will not use level 5 soft compression t-ball.
5.) Batters can choose any bat in compliance with USSSA Rules.
6.) Batters will be given 6 pitches by the coach.
7.) Runners may not Lead off or leave the bag before the ball is hit. Runners will be called out for leaving the bag before the ball is hit by the batter.
8.) A Pitcher must throw to a base on a fielded ball. A pitcher may not tag a runner out. If a pitcher tags a runner out time will be called, and all runners will be safe.
9.) Outfielders may not make a play in the infield. Outfielders must throw the ball to the infield.
10.) No Infield fly rule, No bunting, No walking.
11.) Only 4 coaches should be on the field at any time per team
12.) 4 outfielders and a catcher must be played
13.) The batter is not out on a foul ball on pitch #6. Batter will get additional pitches until the batter either: swings and misses, have a pitch go by looking, or hits the ball in fair territory. Any subsequent fouls, the batter will be awarded another pitch until the ball crosses the plate untouched by the batter or the ball is put into fair territory.